Saturday 4 July 2015

The Nigerian transgender that pour insults on GOD and JESUS CHRIST.

Nigeria transgender popularly known as Stephanie Rose has been pouring insults on God and Jesus. The Nigerian who was born as man and by the name Dapo Adaralegbe, was a popular homosexual at Obafemi Awolowo University, were he was studying Law. But was later expelled in 2001 due to his identity crisis. Then after he travelled to Holland were he got himself transformed from being a man to a woman. On June 23, 2015, Rose took to her Facebook page and gave the almighty God all what on her mind.
“I HATE GOD, phyuk HIM ….Such wicked and useless God can go phyuk himself andeat sh*t.GOD IS sh*t AND WICKEDNESS.That is not a good God but a very foolish and useless skydaddy! A God that destroyspeople’s lives and destroys their bright hopes in life is a very wicked Maggot!A God that instigates violence, instigates humiliation, instigates rejection, instigates bloodshed and instigates the killing of people is a pervert and a very devilish idiot!People do not understand the kind of God they claim they love. Jesus Christ is NOT a valid representation of this wicked occultistGod. That is why prayers remain unanswered, that is why people die prematurely because such useless God is too wicked to care about lives, rather such hopeless God is concerned about the destruction of lives as he did to Sodom. I see God worshippers as sh*t worshippers!For the Children of Sodom and Gomorrah would have done much better and prospered more exceedingly if the ” foolish God ” had given them the same fair opportunity in life.A daft and senseless God that prevented their progress in life and instigated their destruction is the epitome of all evil and wickedness. Jesus Christ is not a valid example of such occultist God of this World. All religions are true! No body goes to Heaven because no body goes to Hell fire.He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, killed the progress of Sodom and killed the brightprospects of Gomorrah … instigating violence, instigating rejection, instigating humiliation, instigating hostilities, instigating bloodshed and the killing of gays and transgender people even till today!All hate crimes and violence suffered by gay, lesbian and transgender people are instigated by this phyuked up moron God even till today.JESUS CHRIST IS NOT A VALID REPRESENTATION OF THIS RUBBISH GOD.Jesus Christ remains an untrue story and myth.FOR SUCH FOOLISH GOD NEVER BECAME JESUS CHRIST AS THE BOOK OF JOHN DECEIVED CHRISTIANS, THAT IS WHY THEWORLD IS SO WICKED TODAY, IT IS BECAUSE SUCH USELESS WICKED MAGGOT GOD IS LORD OF HIS OWN WICKEDNESS.Jesus Christ is not a reflection of such hopeless wicked Abrahamic God of all religions!ALL RELIGIONS ARE TRUE, Jesus Christ is an untrue story and not a valid representation of the indifferent and wickedGod of this World.Where is the true reflection of Jesus Christ in a World marked with people dying prematurely, all avoidable World tragedies, all preventable natural disasters, all inconsistencies of nature ( done by nature), etc … it is all deception, Jesus Christ doesnot exist in reality and can not be found in such hopeless and foolish occultist God of this World.NOBODY GOES TO HEAVEN BECAUSE NOBODY GOES TO HELL FIRE …. All religions are true and remain valid, no religion will negate the other till the end of time.We are animals, we exist like animals and one day we will all die like animals.God is beginning of all foolishness and evil!”

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