Saturday 4 July 2015

Boko Haram militants kills nearly 200 with in 48 hours

Nigeria- Boko haram militants launches fresh attacks in northeast of Nigeria, killing 200 in 48 hours on Friday 3 july 2015.The militants have staged multiple attacks across restive Borno state since Wednesday, gunning down worshippers at evening Ramadan prayers, shooting women in their homes, and dragging men from their beds in the dead of night.
A young female suicide bomber also killed 11 worshippers when she blew herself up in a mosque in Borno. While there was no immediate claim of responsibility, Boko Haram has used both men and young women and girls as human bombs in the past. “President Muhammadu Buhari has condemned the latest wave of killings. Up to 50 armed men on motorbikes stormed the village of Mussa in the latest atrocity on Friday, shooting villagers and burning their homes.

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